Contact Lenses

Ask Dr. Chet



American Optometric Association guidelines recommend for all healthy adults routine eye exams every 1-2 years. Young children, older adults and all whose health may require it exams should be done every year. Our exams are fully comprehensive including tests for glaucoma, cataracts, and careful prescription analysis.

We utilize the latest technology and equipment, even taking photos of the inside of eyes with a special camera. Looking at the inside of eyes gives us a view of the blood vessels lining the back of the retina. Since the back of the eye is the only place in the body that our vascular system is exposed without surgery, any kind of vascular related problems can be detected such as diabetes, hypertension, sickle cell anemia, and even AIDS.

Dr. Chet and his associate Dr. Lisa Kish take time to evaluate each patient and prescribe what is only most appropriate. It can be as simple as a small change in glasses prescription, a new brand of contact lenses for increased comfort, to even eye drops for allergies or antibiotics for eye infections. All major health or medical issues are referred immediately to the proper medical professional.


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